Woman sent back to US for arriving in Islamabad without visa

ISLAMABAD: US national Sonia Sita Perez, who touched base in Islamabad without a visa, was deported to America on Wednesday.

It was accounted for by the Federal Investigative Agency (FIA) that Perez had achieved Pakistan on an Islamabad-bound Qatar Airlines' trip without having a Pakistani visa.

Perez was sent back to the US on a similar trip by migration experts.

This isn't the first occasion when that an American has been sent back in the wake of neglecting to convey a visa.

A comparable occurrence occurred in June 2016, wherein an American lady was extradited to her nation after she touched base in Islamabad without a Pakistani visa.
Woman sent back to US for arriving in Islamabad without visa Woman sent back to US for arriving in Islamabad without visa Reviewed by Admin on January 16, 2019 Rating: 5
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