The crews of several passenger planes flying over Ireland began to simultaneously inform about the sight of bright and very fast moving objects in the sky. They were not identified, i.e. they were UFOs. The Irish authorities have addressed the topic. The mysterious bright object was spotted on the south-west coast of Ireland on the ninth of November morning.
Pilot reports:
As reported by the BBC , the captain of British Airways flying from Montreal, Canada to London, approached the Shannon flight control. She wanted to know if there were any military exercises in her area.The controllers said no, there are no exercises. The pilot informed that in a moment before the sky was lit up by "very bright light" and some object passed her machine with great speed and "flew rapidly towards the north".
Another pilot flying near him joined the conversation, which also saw something very bright. According to him, it could have been a meteor or something else entering the atmosphere. He saw "objects moving in the same trajectory". Two bright points were to pass his machine to the right and rise at high speed.
Another pilot flying in the area stated that the bright object was moving with the "astronomical" speed of Mach 2 (or about 2,500 km / h). Talks with flight control recorded (about 17 minutes).
Investigation and Suspicious Space:
The Irish Aviation Authority reported that "in connection with the information from a small group of pilots about unusual activity in the air", it was decided to start the investigation. The case will be examined in a routine mode. The object seen by pilots has not been identified yet, so there is a UFO (unidentified flying object).In an interview with BBC, astronomer Apostolos Christou from the Armagh Observatory suspects that the effect of the investigation will be that it was a small piece of cosmic rock entering the atmosphere. - Something that we colloquially call a falling star - says the expert. In his opinion, it had to be a fairly large object "the size of a walnut or apple" to trigger such reactions of pilots.
"It looks like some fragments have been dropping off the object as they flew past aircraft, what one would expect from a larger piece of rock falling into the atmosphere. In such a situation they usually fall apart - he said. He added that there is a period of high activity and many meteors appear on Ireland.
A Very Bright Light and Astronomical Speed Seen By Pilots It Was UFO or Something Else
Reviewed by Editor
October 10, 2019