Information on Prince William and Harry
The surprises with James Bond 's new movie don't stop there . The latest information wants a member of the royal family to accept a proposal to join the long-awaited Bond 25. And they are not talking about any person in the royal family but about the future successor of the British throne, since the proposal was made, according to the online edition of The Independent, to Prince Charles.
The idea is believed to have been born, as reported in the post, after Charles' visit to the Pinewood studios where the film was shot.
If the proposal is finally accepted and accepted it will not be the first king to appear with the British agent. In 2012, Queen Elizabeth was accompanied by James Bond - Daniel Craig in a clip filmed for the opening of the London Olympics.
However, the producers of the film are ready for alternatives should Charles reject the role. According to the same information, they have decided to ask for permission for Prince William and Harry to take part in the film.
Reports Want Prince Charles to play in .. James Bond
Reviewed by Editor
August 05, 2019